julochka: 60:365 in like a lion
julochka: 61:365 enough already!
julochka: 62:365 gimme
julochka: 63:365 my name is julie and i'm addicted to yarn
julochka: 64:365 bestill my heart blue bokeh!
julochka: 65:365 charming old saw
julochka: 66:365 ready to ride
julochka: 67:365 ice ice bokeh
julochka: 67.5:365 because i need focus
julochka: 68:365 this little piggy
julochka: 69:365 hoarfrost
julochka: 70:365 i may be hallucinating
julochka: 71:365 one funky chicken
julochka: 72:365 <3 bokeh
julochka: 73:365 what a little deer!
julochka: 74:365 transported
julochka: 74.5:365 harsh
julochka: 75:365 kitsch and cream
julochka: 76:365 let the wind turbine pix begin
julochka: 77:365 vast quantities of coffee and vast quantities of words
julochka: 78:365 lunchtime at the local kro
julochka: 79:365 husband's new glasses
julochka: 80:365 first day of spring
julochka: 81:365 why yes, i think i will have a birthday ice cream
julochka: 82:365 "alas! how little does the memory of these human inhabitants enhance the beauty of the landscape!" - henry david thoreau
julochka: 83:365 "A man is ever apt to contemplate himself out of all proportion to his surroundings." ~Christina G. Rossetti
julochka: 84:365 "life must be understood backwards; but... it must be lived forward." - Søren Kierkegaard
julochka: shoe per diem 26/3.2010 + 85:365
julochka: 86:365 do easter bunnies lay easter eggs?
julochka: 87:365 "it is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. we need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake." - frederick douglass