julochka: do you think the vikings carved their own stamps?
julochka: more blog camp goodies
julochka: 24:365 winter watercolor
julochka: 30:365 winter birds
julochka: best batch of birds yet
julochka: best batch of birds yet
julochka: best batch of birds yet
julochka: best batch of birds yet
julochka: best batch of birds yet
julochka: best batch of birds yet
julochka: 32:365 "photographs, which cannot themselves explain anything, are inexhaustible invitations to deduction, speculation, and fantasy." -- susan sontag
julochka: pile 'o clarity birds
julochka: 38:365 "photographing, and thereby redeeming the homely, trite, and humble is also an ingenious means of individual expression." - susan sontag
julochka: 42:365 "the proliferation of photographs is ultimately an affirmation of kitsch." - susan sontag
julochka: 49:365 "photographic seeing meant an aptitude for discovering beauty in what everybody sees but neglects as too ordinary." - susan sontag
julochka: evidence of weekend creativity
julochka: evidence of weekend creativity
julochka: evidence of weekend creativity
julochka: evidence of weekend creativity
julochka: a view of the back
julochka: WIP: dolce quilt
julochka: from a japanese pattern (and i don't even know japanese!)
julochka: fabric stash as of 20/2.2010
julochka: WIP: baby "dyne" cover
julochka: self-present: a needlebook
julochka: 52:365 "photography has the unappealing reputation of being the most realistic, therefore facile, of the mimetic arts." - susan sontag
julochka: scene from the weekend
julochka: check it out! I'm knitting!
julochka: what i learned while kitting
julochka: 68:365 this little piggy