julochka: in motion
julochka: in motion
julochka: instructions
julochka: 9:365 zidan
julochka: don't look a gift horse in the mouth
julochka: shoe per diem - 10.1/2010
julochka: 51:365 "photographs are, of course, artifacts." - susan sontag
julochka: 66:365 ready to ride
julochka: s rides sjaik hipstamatic stylie
julochka: s rides sjaik hipstamatic stylie
julochka: 80:365 first day of spring
julochka: they have chemistry
julochka: recent riding
julochka: recent riding
julochka: recent riding
julochka: recent riding
julochka: recent riding
julochka: 117:365 what to do in the middle of your move...
julochka: 124:365 riding matilde
julochka: 128:365 airborne
julochka: a hop
julochka: a skip
julochka: pretty 'tilda
julochka: and a bit of trotting
julochka: and a jump
julochka: 246:365 how to start the weekend
julochka: 29/6.2011 - like having a new horse
julochka: 30/6.2011 a girl and a horse
julochka: 31/8.2011 - wednesday riding lesson
julochka: new used passier saddle making a huge difference