juliet is silly: new love
juliet is silly: antartica party
juliet is silly: making artichokes
juliet is silly: me and JP and peacock
juliet is silly: friends in the living roon
juliet is silly: beer claw
juliet is silly: things are winding down
juliet is silly: slow dance
juliet is silly: I was there, too.
juliet is silly: flash dance
juliet is silly: megan and jocelyn
juliet is silly: gathering of the beards.
juliet is silly: pile of people.
juliet is silly: blurry boyfriend
juliet is silly: kissing on the dance floor
juliet is silly: dancing native american
juliet is silly: best buds.
juliet is silly: good music.
juliet is silly: ladies making out.
juliet is silly: sweater-collared shirt combo.
juliet is silly: birthday feet
juliet is silly: keep it posse
juliet is silly: we all know how this ended....
juliet is silly: fixie and beer
juliet is silly: bengal pride.