Blue Blanket: The Jean and Joe Show - Christmas edition
Blue Blanket: Colin and Sue
Blue Blanket: Holly, me and Jamie
Blue Blanket: Cake decoration with Grandma
Blue Blanket: In front of the restaurant
Blue Blanket: Keep icing!
Blue Blanket: The Ashington Tree
Blue Blanket: Holly the reindeer and her Daddy
Blue Blanket: Grandma sets the table
Blue Blanket: Jamie and Col
Blue Blanket: Post panto supper
Blue Blanket: No, not another attempt at baking
Blue Blanket: Santa's snowy footsteps
Blue Blanket: Some snacks for Santa
Blue Blanket: The Singstar
Blue Blanket: Assembling complicated plastic toys
Blue Blanket: The Lunch table
Blue Blanket: Smoked salmon canapes
Blue Blanket: Our genial host and hostess
Blue Blanket: The Wine Fridge
Blue Blanket: The Fireplace
Blue Blanket: Joe tries to assemble the Death Star
Blue Blanket: Jamie, me and a dragon
Blue Blanket: The Nintendo DS
Blue Blanket: Sue carving the Turkey Lurkey
Blue Blanket: Happy Princess Auntie and a book
Blue Blanket: Folk asleep - BEFORE lunch
Blue Blanket: Colin's place setting - plus cigar!
Blue Blanket: Joe and Jean
Blue Blanket: Ready for lunch