Julie'sBubbles: Coffee near the sea
Julie'sBubbles: A real coffee
Julie'sBubbles: A little coffee mill
Julie'sBubbles: Romeo&Julia cup
Julie'sBubbles: "The spirit of the tea beverage is one of peace, comfort and refinement."
Julie'sBubbles: Just standing here...waiting for you...to come home
Julie'sBubbles: Some kind of wonderful
Julie'sBubbles: No-one wants a coffee with me?
Julie'sBubbles: Picture message :)
Julie'sBubbles: s n a c k .
Julie'sBubbles: There is nothing more beatiful than a cup of tea and spring flowers.
Julie'sBubbles: B l u e c u r t a i n s.
Julie'sBubbles: Caffe Latte
Julie'sBubbles: Afternoon coffee
Julie'sBubbles: afternoon c o f f e e