Julien Rath: Hugh Grant holds up a big £1 to appeal for a www.healthtalkonline.org fund-raiser
Julien Rath: Hugh Grant arrives at the event
Julien Rath: Hugh Grant and Oxford GP Dr Ann McPherson hold up a big £1 coin for a www.healthtalkonline.org fund-raiser
Julien Rath: Hugh Grant talks to Dr Ann McPherson
Julien Rath: Hugh Grant and Oxford GP Dr Ann McPherson hold up a big £1 coin for a www.healthtalkonline.org fund-raiser
Julien Rath: Hugh Grant walks along the South Bank at the kick-off of a www.healthtalkonline.org fund-raiser
Julien Rath: Hugh Grant walks along the South Bank at the kick-off of a www.healthtalkonline.org fund-raiser
Julien Rath: Hugh Grant walks along the South Bank
Julien Rath: Hugh Grant laughs after a jogger shouted at him that he was "looking old"
Julien Rath: Hugh Grant explains why the charity is so important
Julien Rath: Hugh Grant speaks about why he joined the charity