Julien Rath: A member of the African team works on his sculpture
Julien Rath: The African team poses in front of their sculpture
Julien Rath: Spectators look at the Portuguese sculpture
Julien Rath: A Portuguese team member works on a statue
Julien Rath: Team UK's sculpture
Julien Rath: Team Portugal
Julien Rath: A French team member works on his sculpture
Julien Rath: Spectators get the chance to sculpt themselves
Julien Rath: Team Netherlands at work
Julien Rath: A member of Team Netherlands works on an ice Tube map
Julien Rath: A Portuguese Team member cuts off a slab of ice
Julien Rath: Team France works on their sculpture
Julien Rath: The Hungarian team's sculpture
Julien Rath: A Portugese Team member attempts to refit a head on his statue
Julien Rath: A Hungarian Team member takes his singles sculpture prize