linoleum jet: Some of the tools
linoleum jet: Pre-op lightbulb
linoleum jet: Pulling up the sides of the brass nubbin
linoleum jet: Pull out the brass nubbin
linoleum jet: Snap out the glass from the bottom
linoleum jet: Interior
linoleum jet: Snap the interior tube and smash out the exterior tube
linoleum jet: Pull out any remaining wires
linoleum jet: Break off any remaining pieces of glass
linoleum jet: Affix little silicone feet
linoleum jet: Dried, preserved sheet moss
linoleum jet: Rinse any salt off of the sand
linoleum jet: Speed things up by drying the sand in the oven
linoleum jet: Clean, dry sand!
linoleum jet: Makeshift funnel
linoleum jet: Add reindeer moss and sheet moss
linoleum jet: Add a tillandsia
linoleum jet: Add a unicorn!
linoleum jet: Terrarium with unicorn
linoleum jet: Terrarium with alligator
linoleum jet: Platypus almost didn't fit
linoleum jet: Terrarium with platypus
linoleum jet: Alligator
linoleum jet: Terrarium
linoleum jet: Terrarium
linoleum jet: Terrarium
linoleum jet: Terrarium
linoleum jet: Terrarium