Julie from Wexford: Rhingia campestris
Julie from Wexford: Rhingia campestris
Julie from Wexford: C is for Camouflage
Julie from Wexford: Heads or tails?
Julie from Wexford: As good as it gets
Julie from Wexford: Peacock butterfly
Julie from Wexford: B is for Bee (obviously)
Julie from Wexford: Miriad of Mesembryanthemums
Julie from Wexford: Male Common Darter
Julie from Wexford: Noon Fly
Julie from Wexford: Episyrphus balteatus
Julie from Wexford: A sting in the tail
Julie from Wexford: A for Anemone
Julie from Wexford: Meliscaeva auricollis
Julie from Wexford: Too many flies to count
Julie from Wexford: Green on gold
Julie from Wexford: Unidentified insect lurking on a leaf
Julie from Wexford: Green plant bugs
Julie from Wexford: Almost Robin redbreast
Julie from Wexford: Blue lights on the runway
Julie from Wexford: Honey bee's are here again
Julie from Wexford: Perfect Imperfection
Julie from Wexford: I'm forever blowing bubbles .......
Julie from Wexford: Black stemmed Dogwood flowers
Julie from Wexford: Conops quadrifasciatus
Julie from Wexford: Conops quadrifasciatus
Julie from Wexford: Pretty in Pink
Julie from Wexford: Marmalade Fly on Dahlia