Philippe Lepage: 0092_Utah_I70_Road_5
Yosigo: Salva
Mathieu Doyon: Cour en coin
phamalamb: the weight of it all
milleputois: DSCN2064
Perpetually: Stop Motion Experiment #1
Perpetually: yellowjoshisfunnygowatchhisplayheiscool
JoeBake: Ibrahim No.3
JoeBake: Pizza Shop
JoeBake: Pillow Fight 2008
nicolas levesque: Bruno Rodeo et les Routiers
Stimie: Fly
elbasta: L'Ombre du Cheval
kozyndan: chibi-chan at night
-Antoine-: Complexe Desjardins
Gabyka: Ombres
kleinmatt66: Morro Bay, CA
elbasta: Sorceria - Regard foudroyant