Julie Bracken: Naughty corner beckons.....
Julie Bracken: Oh..... what a very naughty look ........
Julie Bracken: Why so sad?
Julie Bracken: A poetic moment..........
Julie Bracken: Snow White - Pantomime Time
Julie Bracken: Home thoughts...
Julie Bracken: Hiding my Smarties.......
Julie Bracken: His mother should have thrown him out... and kept the Stork
Julie Bracken: Cleanliness is next to..............
Julie Bracken: Oh Doctor, I'm in trouble
Julie Bracken: Good Girls go to Heaven... Bad Girls go Everywhere
Julie Bracken: Wedding Belle-1
Julie Bracken: Silence is golden.......
Julie Bracken: Say what you want about long dresses.... they hide a multitude of shins
Julie Bracken: The Flower Girl
Julie Bracken: Who's for an early bath......
Julie Bracken: Mirror, Mirror........
Julie Bracken: A little bit of powder
Julie Bracken: Beware the Cage....
Julie Bracken: A hard man is good to find......
Julie Bracken: The best way to behave...... is to misbehave
Julie Bracken: The one that got away..............
Julie Bracken: Never try to teach a pig to sing..............
Julie Bracken: The face behind the feather........
Julie Bracken: Is it true you find babies under gooseberry bushes?
Julie Bracken: Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder
Julie Bracken: I've got a lovely bunch......
Julie Bracken: Do not feed this Tigress......
Julie Bracken: Luck, be a Lady
Julie Bracken: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.........