honeyrider: my sweet savannah
honeyrider: my sweet savannah
honeyrider: goofy kids
honeyrider: kids hangin'
honeyrider: just muckin around
honeyrider: best friends
honeyrider: best buddies
honeyrider: kids being kids
honeyrider: leo, orion hangin with jules
honeyrider: and all that jazz
honeyrider: smart ass
honeyrider: showin off
honeyrider: sweet as pie in the eye
honeyrider: savannah and julie
honeyrider: our close up
honeyrider: i mean, come on.
honeyrider: this is serious business, mister.
honeyrider: we's gots us some lightsabers.
honeyrider: gotcha!
honeyrider: IMG_0022.JPG
honeyrider: IMG_0021.JPG
honeyrider: IMG_0016.JPG
honeyrider: groovin' on some hot apple cider
honeyrider: banana eyes
honeyrider: she's a natural
honeyrider: distant
honeyrider: crazy face
honeyrider: cutie patootie
honeyrider: she's a natural