sun rising 06: Felted witch's hat
sun rising 06: Scarf group I
sun rising 06: Silk road wrap, prior to felting
sun rising 06: Green scarf
sun rising 06: Silk Road wrap
sun rising 06: nuno felt Apr finished2
sun rising 06: nuno felt Apr finished
sun rising 06: Scarf group II
sun rising 06: Scarf group III
sun rising 06: Scarf group IIII
sun rising 06: Felting experiments
sun rising 06: AB's bag
sun rising 06: Felted button-closure bags for handmade journals
sun rising 06: Felted book bags, open
sun rising 06: Gab's bag
sun rising 06: Easy shibori!
sun rising 06: IMG_5638
sun rising 06: IMG_5636
sun rising 06: felt pincushions
sun rising 06: felted pod for mom
sun rising 06: felted pod for mom
sun rising 06: felting practice - hollow bumps
sun rising 06: IMG_6378
sun rising 06: class project with Andrea Graham
sun rising 06: class project with Andrea Graham
sun rising 06: Felt interpretation of a rock bowl at the shoreline
sun rising 06: felted bag with nuno design