julie au: The last of the Dark Heart stuff...
julie au: And this is me getting my paparazzo media stalker on! ;o)
julie au: Not for the faint of heart but...
julie au: More from Allie...
julie au: And just for fun...
julie au: Tick, Tick...BOOM pics
julie au: Chae channeling his inner angsty diva...
julie au: See those twinkies?
julie au: This is my beautiful friend Fi...
julie au: Big posers...;o)
julie au: More from the twinkies...
julie au: While I'm on a theatre-y roll...
julie au: Kobes...
julie au: Suse...
julie au: Suze
julie au: I know you've seen Karen's before but...
julie au: Tick, tick...BOOM! publicity pics...
julie au: Two of those faces might be familiar...;o)
julie au: Say hello to Chae! ;o)
julie au: Not my usual thing but...
julie au: More from Short and Sweet...
julie au: Last one!
julie au: The Germans...
julie au: More 'Allo 'Allo Germans...
julie au: Ooooooh Yvette...
julie au: Rene...Apparently this guy looks
julie au: She's fainted you stupid woman!!!
julie au: 'Allo 'Allo! ;o)
julie au: More Allo Allo...