Julia Styles Photography:
English tutoring at Rios de Agua Viva in Quito
Julia Styles Photography:
Monkey Business
Julia Styles Photography:
A view from Rios de Agua Viva in Quito
Julia Styles Photography:
Teaching about germs at Rios de Agua Viva
Julia Styles Photography:
A view of Quito
Julia Styles Photography:
Hanging out in Casa Sueca on the north side of Quito
Julia Styles Photography:
Seven Slaps All
Julia Styles Photography:
Driving to Santa Rosa
Julia Styles Photography:
A tour of an organic farm
Julia Styles Photography:
Trying guava
Julia Styles Photography:
Do we get reception in the jungle?
Julia Styles Photography:
Julia Styles Photography:
A view of the farm
Julia Styles Photography:
Julia Styles Photography:
Julia Styles Photography:
Hangin' out at Rio Santa Rosa.
Julia Styles Photography:
Rio Santa Rosa. The youth group of IPEE wants to start Eco-tourism in the region. We hope to help with marketing, websites and a foreign perspective as the develop their business. The area of Santa Rosa is beautiful, lush, quiet and undisturbed by tour
Julia Styles Photography:
Playing games with kids at a local public school
Julia Styles Photography:
Singing "Este es el dia"
Julia Styles Photography:
The Good Samaritan-we preformed this skit over and over at different schools. It is a good message about loving your neighbor, even when you and your neighbor may disagree...
Julia Styles Photography:
Robbers beating up Brittany
Julia Styles Photography:
Stealing all her money
Julia Styles Photography:
Julia Styles Photography:
The priest just passes her by
Julia Styles Photography:
So does the levite
Julia Styles Photography:
But the samaritan takes pity on Brittany, and cures her with band-aids
Julia Styles Photography:
and then with no donkey in site, gives her a piggy-back ride to an inn
Julia Styles Photography:
Where Kempe takes good care of the hurt Brittany
Julia Styles Photography:
Learning lessons from the Good Samarita--Valerie and Violeta explain the skit to the kids