Jukie Bot: end of a long day at the beach
Jukie Bot: storm moving out to sea
Jukie Bot: looking north
Jukie Bot: looking south
Jukie Bot: 15-a
Jukie Bot: a whale of a time
Jukie Bot: Wonderland
Jukie Bot: Shuffle Board Anyone?
Jukie Bot: just around the bend
Jukie Bot: stand tall
Jukie Bot: sunset over the old crossing
Jukie Bot: perch
Jukie Bot: cross
Jukie Bot: level
Jukie Bot: reeds
Jukie Bot: marsh feets.
Jukie Bot: flat
Jukie Bot: along the old line
Jukie Bot: endless marsh
Jukie Bot: mound
Jukie Bot: hidden.
Jukie Bot: Osprey nest.
Jukie Bot: i spy