Julia Livesey: DSCN0802
Julia Livesey: Brushing up on my photography
Julia Livesey: Bee preening itself
Julia Livesey: Bee on my geraniums
Julia Livesey: Ghost Koi in our pond
Julia Livesey: The wall rebuilt
Julia Livesey: The wall ready to be rebuilt
Julia Livesey: Something needs to be done about this
Julia Livesey: The preparation is underway
Julia Livesey: The finished thing
Julia Livesey: Kingfisher 'resting' in our back garden
Julia Livesey: Apple Tree
Julia Livesey: Apple Bud
Julia Livesey: Song Thrush
Julia Livesey: Song Thrush with snail
Julia Livesey: Sunrise Christmas Eve
Julia Livesey: Greater Spotted Woodpecker
Julia Livesey: Grey Squirrel
Julia Livesey: Cutting back our oak tree
Julia Livesey: Cutting back our oak tree
Julia Livesey: Cutting back our oak tree
Julia Livesey: The oak tree after the dead wood had been removed
Julia Livesey: Snowdrops
Julia Livesey: Snowdrops
Julia Livesey: Snowdrops
Julia Livesey: Snowdrops