Julia Martin Photography: Postman mimic butterfly (Heliconius erato)
Julia Martin Photography: Wall Lizard with prey
Julia Martin Photography: Bumble bee on his Hydrangea
Julia Martin Photography: Mantid-Praying mantis.
Julia Martin Photography: Scorpianfly-male (Panorpidae)
Julia Martin Photography: Hawker (Female)- Migrant hawker (aeshna mixta)
Julia Martin Photography: White tree nymph (Idea Leuconoe)
Julia Martin Photography: Guess who's been to the Butterfly Farm!! EXPLORED #36
Julia Martin Photography: Peacock butterfly (inachis io)
Julia Martin Photography: Blue Damsell EXPLORED #485
Julia Martin Photography: Wide banded damselflies (Calopteryx splendens)
Julia Martin Photography: Cicada (Hemiptera, male)
Julia Martin Photography: White Admiral (Limenitis reducta) EXPOLRE #248
Julia Martin Photography: Southern White Admiral (Limenitis reducta)
Julia Martin Photography: Common Blue (male) Polyomattus icarus.
Julia Martin Photography: Grasshopper (on a rhododendron)
Julia Martin Photography: Any ID welcome - more images 10 comments down!
Julia Martin Photography: Speckled Bush Cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima)
Julia Martin Photography: Scarce Swallowtail
Julia Martin Photography: Conehead Praying Mantis
Julia Martin Photography: Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
Julia Martin Photography: Blue Damselfly (Enallagma Cyathigerum) male.EXPLORE #31
Julia Martin Photography: Bumblebee and Scabious
Julia Martin Photography: Crab Spider-Ambush preditor.
Julia Martin Photography: Red-tailed Bumblebee