juliacreinhart: Retired Philadelphia PD Captain Ray Lewis greets a protester at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Retired Philadelphia PD Captain Raymond Lewis warning of massive civil disobedience if government doesn't listen to citizens' concerns at Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protesters at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protester at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protester at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protester attending the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC taking a moment of silence to view the World War II memorial
juliacreinhart: Protesters from New York demand their Governor Andrew Cuomo not approve hydraulic fracking in their state at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protesters from New York demand their Governor Andrew Cuomo not approve hydraulic fracking in their state at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protesters from New York demand their Governor Andrew Cuomo not approve hydraulic fracking in their state at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protesters from New York demand their Governor Andrew Cuomo not approve hydraulic fracking in their state at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protesters from New York demand their Governor Andrew Cuomo not approve hydraulic fracking in their state at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protesters from New York demand their Governor Andrew Cuomo not approve hydraulic fracking in their state at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: An estimated 50,000 protesters attend what organizers call the largest environmental protest in US history in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protesters from New York demand their Governor Andrew Cuomo not approve hydraulic fracking in their state at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protesters from New York demand their Governor Andrew Cuomo not approve hydraulic fracking in their state at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protesters from New York demand their Governor Andrew Cuomo not approve hydraulic fracking in their state at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protesters from New York demand their Governor Andrew Cuomo not approve hydraulic fracking in their state at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Protesters from New York demand their Governor Andrew Cuomo not approve hydraulic fracking in their state at the Forward on Climate rally in Washington DC
juliacreinhart: Occupier marching for action on climate change in Washington DC