juliacreinhart: Marchers in solidarity with Anaheim residents on the move through Harlem
juliacreinhart: Marchers in solidarity with Anaheim residents on the move through Harlem
juliacreinhart: Marchers in solidarity with Anaheim residents on the move through Harlem
juliacreinhart: Marchers in solidarity with Anaheim residents on the move through Harlem
juliacreinhart: Onlookers enjoys listening to the chants of F**k the Police
juliacreinhart: Marchers in solidarity with Anaheim residents on the move through Harlem
juliacreinhart: NYPD scooter cops herding marchers along a side street through Harlem
juliacreinhart: Marchers in solidarity with Anaheim residents on the move through Harlem
juliacreinhart: Marchers in solidarity with Anaheim residents on the move through Harlem
juliacreinhart: Occupiers come to aid of Harlem resident being questioned by cop along the marching route
juliacreinhart: Onlooker dancing along with the rhythm of the chants on the corner of 116th Street and Lexington Ave
juliacreinhart: NYPD scooter cops herding marchers along a side street
juliacreinhart: Onlooker enjoys listening to the chants of F**k the Police
juliacreinhart: Marchers reach 125th Street and Lenox Avenue in Harlem
juliacreinhart: Marchers on the move through Harlem
juliacreinhart: Marchers at the foot of Adam Clayton Powell statue on 125th St and 7th Avenue in Harlem
juliacreinhart: Marchers at the foot of Adam Clayton Powell statue on 125th St and 7th Avenue in Harlem
juliacreinhart: NYPD scooter cops keeping protesters on the sidewalk
juliacreinhart: Angry Pacifist marching in Morningside Heights