JuliaC2006: Ramsgate Library - nearly there
JuliaC2006: Gardens at Hole Park
JuliaC2006: Tulips in Hole Park garden
JuliaC2006: Bluebells in Hole Park wood
JuliaC2006: Bluebells and blossom
JuliaC2006: Bluebells in Hole Park
JuliaC2006: Garden at Hole Park
JuliaC2006: Darnley mausoleum
JuliaC2006: Tornado in Rochester
JuliaC2006: Battle of Britain flight over Upnor
JuliaC2006: Red Arrows over Chatham dockyard
JuliaC2006: Spitfire aka Tangmere
JuliaC2006: Medieval bagpipes
JuliaC2006: Medieval aristocracy at Rochester castle
JuliaC2006: More music around the camp
JuliaC2006: Head falconer with Harris Hawk
JuliaC2006: More medieval aristocracy at Rochester castle
JuliaC2006: Beautiful costume
JuliaC2006: Embroidery in the sunshine
JuliaC2006: Making beeswax candles
JuliaC2006: Preparing a feast
JuliaC2006: Priest and soldier
JuliaC2006: Corner of the library
JuliaC2006: Hall in the Grange
JuliaC2006: Back of the Grange
JuliaC2006: Pugin's view
JuliaC2006: Grand entrance to the Grange
JuliaC2006: Ramsgate Carnegie library
JuliaC2006: Close up of front of Ramsgate library
JuliaC2006: Eastgate House, Rochester