Julia M Cameron: #52 Lipomyelomeningocele
Julia M Cameron: #51 Service included
Julia M Cameron: #50 Black 8 Heigham Park, Norwich
Julia M Cameron: #49 Swing 1
Julia M Cameron: #47 Impermanence 5: Below sea level
Julia M Cameron: #46 Reversal 1
Julia M Cameron: #45 Geometry-Spheres and Rectangles
Julia M Cameron: #44 Self portrait in Amsterdam
Julia M Cameron: #43 Down the drain
Julia M Cameron: #42 Portrait of a stranger
Julia M Cameron: #41 Shattered 2
Julia M Cameron: #40 Yellow Rose. Truth: Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream
Julia M Cameron: #39 Not bound by convention 1
Julia M Cameron: #36 Hope allegory 3
Julia M Cameron: #35 Mopping up time
Julia M Cameron: #7 Neighbour
Julia M Cameron: #23 Seedless Clems
Julia M Cameron: #22 Urban Jungle 2
Julia M Cameron: #21 Lone figure
Julia M Cameron: #20 Facing the past 1 Those may have been good who were later to be bad.
Julia M Cameron: #18 Simon 31.12.11
Julia M Cameron: #08 Isabel in the style of Julia Margaret Cameron
Julia M Cameron: #06 Striking woman
Julia M Cameron: #12 Fighting a losing battle...
Julia M Cameron: #13 Preparing for a night out (mirror)
Julia M Cameron: #10 Wet leaves after rain
Julia M Cameron: #09 Misty Lake
Julia M Cameron: #03 He said I was the first person to speak to him today
Julia M Cameron: #02 Walking the dog