julajp (A while busy):
Turkey of shine _輝きの七面鳥
julajp (A while busy):
Glittering of blue purple_青紫のきらめき
julajp (A while busy):
紅桜_Crimson cherry tree
julajp (A while busy):
As for those which are taken to the electronic bulletin board_電光掲示板に写るものは
julajp (A while busy):
Carnation pod_カーネーションポッド
julajp (A while busy):
To a new residence_新しい住まいへ
julajp (A while busy):
Evening of Shinjuku Tokyo metropolitan government_新宿都庁の夕暮れ
julajp (A while busy):
Feast of M_Mの饗宴