Caryn Rose: Much silliness @steveselvidge @basstakesplace #THSBOW
Caryn Rose: All the laughing men. @tadkubler @steveselvidge @steadycraig #THSBOW
Caryn Rose: Pax de deux les hold steady @tadkubler @steveselvidge #THSBOW
Caryn Rose: Bass inspection Courtesy @basstakesplace @theholdsteady #THSBOW
Caryn Rose: Dance of the Laughing Guitarists. @tadkubler @steveselvidge @theholdsteady #THSBOW
Caryn Rose: THATS BETTER. @theholdsteady #THSBOW
Caryn Rose: Now *thats* a pedal board. @steveselvidge @theholdsteady #THSBOW
Caryn Rose: I'm...waiting for the band. #THSBOW were supposed to be on at 11:30 CMON ALREADY