jujucabra: they're getting ready to play cranium
jujucabra: kari rae & val
jujucabra: joe lounges with the llama blanket
jujucabra: eric shakes his ass
jujucabra: kirsten lounges
jujucabra: dancin
jujucabra: beerthday cake
jujucabra: tequila
jujucabra: val dice tequila es no bueno
jujucabra: dancin
jujucabra: throwin' down
jujucabra: ramiro rocks the house
jujucabra: we dance
jujucabra: tommy goes electro
jujucabra: a palette of cookies
jujucabra: we love cookies
jujucabra: morning lake view
jujucabra: joe in the snow
jujucabra: the view from the lake
jujucabra: punkin buoy
jujucabra: lion buoy
jujucabra: joe & sandra in the carport
jujucabra: i split some logs
jujucabra: a totem next door