jujucabra: bonding in the bulk aisle
jujucabra: ben & I
jujucabra: the Professor
jujucabra: david dances
jujucabra: me & george
jujucabra: david & beth showing us pics
jujucabra: brandi gets all the hotties
jujucabra: brandi & a new friend
jujucabra: dancin crowd
jujucabra: the crowd
jujucabra: gettin ready to go!
jujucabra: mike & katie leaving
jujucabra: tossin
jujucabra: she had a good arc
jujucabra: mickey d's from the roof
jujucabra: mike juju & katie
jujucabra: reppin' with mike
jujucabra: celebrating on the rooftop!
jujucabra: the view from the rooftop