jujucabra: I made it to the top!
jujucabra: gasping for air, at the top
jujucabra: I'm alllmost there
jujucabra: it was really so pretty
jujucabra: juju does a day hike
jujucabra: kinda hazy, but there's some georgia for ya
jujucabra: Or someplace like it
jujucabra: Georgia is a lot prettier than I expected
jujucabra: You can kinda see downtown ATL from here
jujucabra: I stopped scampering long enough to tie my shoes and take a picture
jujucabra: this made me laugh
jujucabra: The beginning
jujucabra: Are you ready to rumble?
jujucabra: Confederate Museum-y thing didn't seem open
jujucabra: gator!
jujucabra: a quaint little theme park
jujucabra: Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E Lee
jujucabra: Confederate Leaders
jujucabra: Stone Mountain Park!