jujubier: One windy day in the Sahara 1
jujubier: One windy day in the Sahara 2
jujubier: Water is life
jujubier: Childinthewell
jujubier: Unforgetable dawn of the Sahara
jujubier: Night caravan
jujubier: Sheltering from sunshine
jujubier: Arabian friend in Timbuktu
jujubier: Tea of hospitality
jujubier: Water the camel at well
jujubier: At a well
jujubier: In a windy day
jujubier: Mark of heave load
jujubier: Arab and Touareg
jujubier: Exchange of smile
jujubier: Go to a market
jujubier: Pray in the desert
jujubier: In a sandy wind
jujubier: View from the inside of tent
jujubier: Pasturing camels
jujubier: Caravan of salt 1
jujubier: Caravan of salt 2
jujubier: Go to well
jujubier: Caravan on the horizon
jujubier: Camel carvan
jujubier: Deep well in the Sahara 3
jujubier: Deep well in the Sahara 4
jujubier: Well in the sand storm
jujubier: Deep well in the Sahara 2
jujubier: Deep well in the Sahara 1