juice9: eagle
juice9: column
juice9: tree
juice9: sunrise over london
juice9: typical london, no? :)
juice9: "Mind the Gap"
juice9: Bahji
juice9: Picture 171
juice9: Picture 173
juice9: Picture 168
juice9: Picture 177
juice9: walls. always walls.
juice9: roses on walls
juice9: ""
juice9: tree in Akka
juice9: blanket of light
juice9: Bahji garden
juice9: my favorite path in Bahji
juice9: no color alterations in this pic!
juice9: entrance
juice9: bird landed on...bird
juice9: stones
juice9: colorized
juice9: The Prison City: Akka
juice9: I've been looking at this picture all my life...now i got to take a picture of it
juice9: the beautiful flowers on Haparsin st.
juice9: fountain
juice9: Shrine