www.krall-photography.com: Die Alteglofsheimer Welle [The wave]
www.krall-photography.com: LEGOlize it ! [Self retario]
www.krall-photography.com: Another rainy day
www.krall-photography.com: Afternoon with Ray
www.krall-photography.com: Waiting for the race
www.krall-photography.com: An apple a day...
www.krall-photography.com: Eleven hours and 6 minutes to go ...
www.krall-photography.com: Mike himself [in colour]
www.krall-photography.com: Steffen Gl. Nó: IV
www.krall-photography.com: Steffen Gl. Nó: IV [b/w]
www.krall-photography.com: Steffen Gl. Nó: VI