juellez: Me @ Yellowstone
juellez: James @ Yellowstone
juellez: Yellowstone
juellez: Yellowstone Bison
juellez: Yellowstone
juellez: Yellowstone
juellez: Yellowstone
juellez: Old Faithful @ Yellowstone
juellez: Yellowstone Elk
juellez: Jackson, WY
juellez: Jackson, WY
juellez: Welcome to Wyoming
juellez: The Great Salt Plains
juellez: Rest Stop
juellez: Sand Dunes in Idaho
juellez: Lake Owyhee Dam, eastern Oregon
juellez: Owyhee, the town
juellez: James and I at Mt Rushmore
juellez: Mt Rushmore
juellez: Crazy Horse Monument
juellez: Jewel Cave, South Dakota
juellez: Wyoming to South Dakota
juellez: Wyoming Rest Stop
juellez: Wyoming Sunrise
juellez: Wyoming Sunrise
juellez: Mom's Farm
juellez: Mom's Porch To-Be
juellez: Andrea & Athena
juellez: The Corn Palace!
juellez: The Path to the Pond