juedmar: [2009/11/15] Gaviota a la Brisa
juedmar: [2009/11/15] Pelícanos de Algarrobo
juedmar: [2009/11/15] Gaviota Modelo
juedmar: Take me to the kittens (2011/Jun/14th)
juedmar: [2010/03/11] Gatito en alfeizar
juedmar: [2009/09/18] Fiestas Patrias en el Campo!
juedmar: [2009/08/21] Little Green Bug in the Mix!
juedmar: [2009/07/22] Blooms of Sunlight
juedmar: [2009/11/14] Borde Costero (desde las Dunas)
juedmar: [2009/06/25] Aging Colors
juedmar: [2009/04/09] Kitty Cat's Playtime!
juedmar: [2009/04/07] Rosa Roja
juedmar: [2009/06/19] Hibiscus in a Winter Bloom
juedmar: [2009/04/15] Tiger Portrait
juedmar: [2009/04/14] Osteospermum Moraditus
juedmar: [2009/04/14] Mariposa Caught Unawares
juedmar: [2009/04/14] Sorrounding Beauty
juedmar: [2008/10/12] Arbol Museo Naval y Marítimo
juedmar: [2009/06/14] Suaves Gotitas Invernales
juedmar: [2009/06/14] Colors of a Rainy Day
juedmar: [2009/05/16] Volviendo de la Piedra Feliz
juedmar: [2009/04/25] Glowing Strong
juedmar: [2009/02/03] Blurred Lavender