Judy Johnson1: Mama Mallard & Duckings
Judy Johnson1: White-frontedgoose
Judy Johnson1: WadingBirds
Judy Johnson1: SnowyEgret
Judy Johnson1: RossGoose
Judy Johnson1: Mutedswan
Judy Johnson1: MaleRuddyDuck
Judy Johnson1: Greater Yellowlegs
Judy Johnson1: Canada Geese
Judy Johnson1: Brown Pelicans
Judy Johnson1: Black-necked stilt
Judy Johnson1: American Coots
Judy Johnson1: Pelicans
Judy Johnson1: Flight of pelicans
Judy Johnson1: Family of Geese
Judy Johnson1: Egret Merced NWR
Judy Johnson1: Egret3 Merced NWR
Judy Johnson1: Egret2 Merced NWR
Judy Johnson1: Marsh Wren Merced NWR
Judy Johnson1: White Ibis MINWR
Judy Johnson1: Little Blue Heron MINWR
Judy Johnson1: Willet MINWR
Judy Johnson1: Black bellied plover MINWR
Judy Johnson1: Tricolored Heron MINWR
Judy Johnson1: Heermanns Gull La Jolla 08
Judy Johnson1: BrownPelican La Jolla Dec 08 3
Judy Johnson1: BrownPelican La Jolla Dec 08 4
Judy Johnson1: BrownPellican La Jolla Dec 08 1