judy devine: the view from the the changee
judy devine: that is the
judy devine: what it a princess in her jammies sees...
judy devine: our feet, by gemma
judy devine: i think this might be her finger over the lens...not sure
judy devine: the view from the highchair
judy devine: daddy having coffee in bali
judy devine: baby and mommy at sushi in finland
judy devine: gemma is back taking photos!
judy devine: hospital snapshot with peta!
judy devine: family
judy devine: hospital snap
judy devine: hospital view
judy devine: peta taking the family portraits
judy devine: peta photographing clover
judy devine: all done
judy devine: mommy's boots (gemma's title)
judy devine: coming home and peta by gemma (gemma's title)
judy devine: peta babies (gemma's title)
judy devine: mommy baby kieran (gemma's title)
judy devine: daddy and clover all day long are going to go in the house (gemma's title)
judy devine: i love you mommy and kieran (gemma's title)