Old Shoe Woman: Alaska_Slide#1A
Old Shoe Woman: Alaska Sea & Land Cruise
Old Shoe Woman: Alaska_Slide#1
Old Shoe Woman: Traveling to Seattle, WA
Old Shoe Woman: Traveling to Seattle, WA
Old Shoe Woman: Traveling to Seattle, WA
Old Shoe Woman: HT: Flight from Atlanta, GA to Seattle, WA; USA
Old Shoe Woman: Traveling to Seattle, WA
Old Shoe Woman: Traveling to Seattle, WA
Old Shoe Woman: Traveling to Seattle, WA
Old Shoe Woman: Traveling to Seattle, WA
Old Shoe Woman: Traveling to Seattle, WA
Old Shoe Woman: Dinner in Seattle
Old Shoe Woman: 8 PM Seattle
Old Shoe Woman: Alaska_Slide#2
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Drive from Seattle to Vanvouver
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Drive from Seattle to Vanvouver
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Drive from Seattle to Vanvouver
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Drive from Seattle to Vanvouver
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Drive from Seattle to Vancouver
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Drive from Seattle to Vancouver
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Drive from Seattle to Vancouver
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Crossing the Border
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Crossing the Border
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Crossing the Border
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Crossing the Border
Old Shoe Woman: Screen shot 2014-05-01 at 10.45.57 PM
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Drive to Vancouver
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Drive to Vancouver
Old Shoe Woman: Sunday: Drive to Vancouver