JAWarren: Shelly Hospital Wednesday 001
JAWarren: Shelly Hospital Wednesday 002
JAWarren: Shelly Hospital Wednesday 003
JAWarren: Shelly Hospital Wednesday 004
JAWarren: Shelly Hospital Wednesday 005
JAWarren: Shelly Hospital Wednesday 007
JAWarren: Shelly Hospital Wednesday 008
JAWarren: Shelly Hospital Wednesday 009
JAWarren: Shelly Hospital Wednesday 010
JAWarren: Shelly Hospital Wednesday 011
JAWarren: Shelly Hospital Wednesday 012
JAWarren: Shelly and Shantell
JAWarren: The "infamous" monitor
JAWarren: Shelly during a contraction
JAWarren: Shelly giving the thumbs up
JAWarren: Tom showing his frustration at 12:30 AM
JAWarren: Lane Thomas is here!
JAWarren: Daddy, Mommy and baby minutes after his birth 01
JAWarren: Daddy, Mommy and baby minutes afer his birth 02.
JAWarren: Daddy, Mommy and baby minutes after his birth 03.
JAWarren: Lane weighs in at 8 lbs. 6 oz.
JAWarren: Lane getting cleaned up
JAWarren: Lane after first bath
JAWarren: Lane 01
JAWarren: Lane getting first bath 1
JAWarren: Lane getting first bath 2
JAWarren: Lane getting first bath 3
JAWarren: Mommy getting help from nurse
JAWarren: Shelly and Lane
JAWarren: Mommy and Daddy greeting Lane