judy4652: A Plaque For Granddad
judy4652: Sheba And Kizzy
judy4652: Dreamy Portrait
judy4652: Unfinished Jigsaw
judy4652: Zebra Stripes
judy4652: Rainy Day
judy4652: Ice and Frost
judy4652: Foggy Tree
judy4652: Finished Jigsaw
judy4652: Winter Flowering Jasmine
judy4652: Heart Shadow
judy4652: Clock
judy4652: Fish Candle Holder Ornament
judy4652: Balanced Headwear
judy4652: Fruit Bowl
judy4652: One Duck Makes a Wide Wake
judy4652: Door Handle
judy4652: Wedgewood Glass Otter Paperweight
judy4652: Magic Dragon
judy4652: Oleg Has Arrived
judy4652: Chocolate Shoe
judy4652: ..... Dogs Delightfully Dozing
judy4652: Berries
judy4652: Hazel Catkins
judy4652: Cut Glass Bells
judy4652: Silver Ring
judy4652: Doronicum
judy4652: Music
judy4652: Glass Rocking Horse
judy4652: Bright Pink Primula