judy4652: Explored for Christmas 1
judy4652: Explored
judy4652: My creation - April 1st
judy4652: Thank You!
judy4652: Thank You!
judy4652: Latest Explored 01.06.08
judy4652: Trillium
judy4652: Red Tulip 002
judy4652: Narcissi 'Cheerfulness' 006
judy4652: Miniature Iris
judy4652: Sunset over the Fen Road
judy4652: Bridge of Distinction
judy4652: Chair Reflections
judy4652: Clematis 'Marjorie'
judy4652: Latest Explored Collection! Thank You!!
judy4652: Iris After Rain 002
judy4652: Large Cone
judy4652: A STORY - 9. The Result 001 ...
judy4652: Dahlia
judy4652: Bush Rose 001
judy4652: Off to Bed!
judy4652: Explored
judy4652: Sheba
judy4652: For my Friends - I am home after major back surgery and now out of bed - just about! Hope to catch up with all your photostreams before too long, but can only do a little at a time!
judy4652: Explored! Thank You!
judy4652: Explored
judy4652: Collared Dove 001
judy4652: Thank You!
judy4652: Thank You!
judy4652: Crocosmia