Judy **: Sophie at Stansted
Judy **: hotel room
Judy **: cookies
Judy **: waiting for the train
Judy **: in the train
Judy **: hotel room York
Judy **: on the wall
Judy **: tea at Waterstones
Judy **: coffee in the train
Judy **: on our way to Schotland
Judy **: in the kitchen
Judy **: snack
Judy **: conversation
Judy **: sitting on eggs
Judy **: lunch
Judy **: bought some jewelery
Judy **: coffee
Judy **: in the train
Judy **: horrible hotel
Judy **: yummm
Judy **: in Regents Parks
Judy **: travelling again
Judy **: Sophie in my room in the Inn in Banbury
Judy **: Sophie in Italian restaurant
Judy **: Sophie at the Oxford Royale Academy