Judy **: Otis
Judy **: Otis and prism
Judy **: enjoying the view
Judy **: in bed
Judy **: hand
Judy **: late evening
Judy **: playing football
Judy **: waiting for our plane
Judy **: in the air
Judy **: safety instructions
Judy **: in the Gatwick Express
Judy **: hotel room
Judy **: scarves
Judy **: coffee...
Judy **: ... and a sandwich
Judy **: thirsty
Judy **: map of London
Judy **: St. Paul's
Judy **: having tea at Choccywoccydoodah
Judy **: in British Museum
Judy **: having breakfast
Judy **: carrot
Judy **: time for coffee
Judy **: apple Otis
Judy **: Hey, that's my apple
Judy **: I think we both fit
Judy **: mirror ball
Judy **: Otis & Zebra
Judy **: commuting
Judy **: sweets for my sweet