Judy **: Look into the future
Judy **: Alice in Wonderland
Judy **: globe
Judy **: wet
Judy **: Sirius and the crystal ball
Judy **: lights
Judy **: play
Judy **: glass and soap
Judy **: dots
Judy **: mirrors
Judy **: candles
Judy **: smile!
Judy **: shadow
Judy **: self portrait
Judy **: red
Judy **: sparkler
Judy **: play marbles
Judy **: view
Judy **: barcode
Judy **: crystal and diamonds
Judy **: in the snow
Judy **: I see... a sunny future
Judy **: apples
Judy **: rose
Judy **: hand
Judy **: football
Judy **: another selfie
Judy **: checkered
Judy **: in water
Judy **: finish