Judy **: Parijs
Judy **: pharmacy
Judy **: Sacre Coeur
Judy **: Sacre Coeur
Judy **: Paris a nuit
Judy **: downstairs
Judy **: lassie
Judy **: statue
Judy **: with the Eiffel Tower
Judy **: horses
Judy **: La Tour Eiffel
Judy **: statue
Judy **: detail
Judy **: Allée Paul Deschanel
Judy **: living wall
Judy **: the ghost on Napoleon's hat
Judy **: bicycles
Judy **: Seine
Judy **: roof tops
Judy **: metro
Judy **: red
Judy **: Arc de Triomphe
Judy **: traffic
Judy **: chairs
Judy **: statue
Judy **: Louvre
Judy **: Louvre
Judy **: contemplating
Judy **: man
Judy **: Louis XIV