judt: stuart
judt: lab
judt: baby squid
judt: teuthologist
judt: party
judt: baby seal!
judt: basket star
judt: little red
judt: sepioidea
judt: for scale
judt: 1 week
judt: octopus's garden
judt: spotty
judt: humboldt squid #1
judt: humboldt squid #2
judt: over the library
judt: the next day
judt: through the eyes
judt: toothy
judt: excitement
judt: got it!!!
judt: "a mighty big haystack"
judt: monterey coastline
judt: tag team
judt: vibration
judt: team awesome
judt: tiny
judt: making a dash for it
judt: wrapped up
judt: munching on kelp