JudsonK: Harraseeket Grange
JudsonK: variety show
JudsonK: grange lights
JudsonK: singing at the Grange
JudsonK: man woman
JudsonK: man woman 2
JudsonK: 4 gals
JudsonK: 4 guys
JudsonK: music
JudsonK: the location
JudsonK: the place
JudsonK: groom waiting
JudsonK: maura arrives
JudsonK: ceremony
JudsonK: chicken dinner
JudsonK: will carlough
JudsonK: tent interior
JudsonK: maura, bent
JudsonK: table talk
JudsonK: cake
JudsonK: cake
JudsonK: Jessi Klein
JudsonK: Amanda Margulies
JudsonK: power out!
JudsonK: toast
JudsonK: cutting the cake
JudsonK: dancing the dance
JudsonK: the dance
JudsonK: dancing
JudsonK: dance-1