Judith Noack: fluffy robin
Judith Noack: Seagull portrait
Judith Noack: busy bee
Judith Noack: a lovely couple
Judith Noack: veggie meal
Judith Noack: the mouse and the fat ball
Judith Noack: herring gull
Judith Noack: waiting
Judith Noack: spider having breakfast
Judith Noack: mealtime
Judith Noack: I see you
Judith Noack: visitor in my garden
Judith Noack: exploring the world
Judith Noack: featherball
Judith Noack: living on a plant
Judith Noack: matching the decoration
Judith Noack: little observer
Judith Noack: still looks like summer
Judith Noack: Why doesn't she fall over?
Judith Noack: spider in the green
Judith Noack: 2mm leaf miner fly and droplets
Judith Noack: beetle romance
Judith Noack: busy bumblebee
Judith Noack: Canada goose
Judith Noack: Hello!
Judith Noack: the challenges of life
Judith Noack: joys of summer
Judith Noack: snail on top
Judith Noack: tiny beetle (Polydrusus formosus)
Judith Noack: Egyptian goose enjoys the view