Judith Hoffman: Zymo 127 handmade pinhole camera
Judith Hoffman: book: Spirits Under Glass, camera: Zymo 127
Judith Hoffman: Imperialsaurus in the late Cretaceous
Judith Hoffman: late Cretaceous encounter
Judith Hoffman: Tyrannosaurus photoventris snaps my picture
Judith Hoffman: Memorycam
Judith Hoffman: Memorycam open with paper negative
Judith Hoffman: My living family travels in one boat, the dead in another.
Judith Hoffman: The boy and I are chased across the beach by a huge dinosaur
Judith Hoffman: Oneiro - back cover
Judith Hoffman: Oneiro - back view
Judith Hoffman: Oneiro - The boy and I are chased across the beach by a huge dinosaur
Judith Hoffman: Oneiro - back of camera
Judith Hoffman: Oneiro - a book with a camera for the cover
Judith Hoffman: Oneiro - pinhole camera cover
Judith Hoffman: ancestor figure
Judith Hoffman: I wanted to protect her
Judith Hoffman: I knew she would come
Judith Hoffman: he was taller then
Judith Hoffman: a few of my ancestors
Judith Hoffman: the late Cretaceous 6
Judith Hoffman: the late Cretaceous 5
Judith Hoffman: the late Cretaceous 4
Judith Hoffman: the late Cretaceous 3
Judith Hoffman: the late Cretaceous 1
Judith Hoffman: the late Cretaceous 2
Judith Hoffman: Tyrannosaurus photoventris - detail
Judith Hoffman: Tyrannosaurus photoventris
Judith Hoffman: Memory 436 taken with Memorycam
Judith Hoffman: Memorycam