judith: Maggie
judith: Maggie
judith: Cooper plays with legos
judith: Cooper & Asher
judith: Asher at the stove
judith: Asher
judith: Cooper, Asher & David
judith: cousins at the water table
judith: Asher
judith: Cooper
judith: Cousins
judith: Cooper
judith: Asher & Grandpa
judith: water table
judith: cousins at the water table
judith: sleepy Maggie
judith: Hurricane Heidi
judith: watching Heidi in the hurricane machine
judith: Asher & Grandma learn about aeolian landscapes
judith: Sandy & Asher learn about tornados
judith: Dad & the tornado
judith: Cooper's favorite planet
judith: xylophone
judith: Cooper & Adam learn valuable tire-changing skills
judith: Cooper
judith: reading
judith: Cooper
judith: Coop & Grandpa running
judith: Cooper
judith: Grandma & Coop laughing