judith: mom & me, 1971
judith: mom, 1971
judith: grandparents, 1971
judith: dad & me, february 1971
judith: dad, 1971
judith: judith dad jan71
judith: judith
judith: first feeding
judith: just born
judith: shadowportrait, mom & me
judith: me in a tree, september 1971
judith: me & my great-grandmother, 1971
judith: the bubbes and me, 1971
judith: happy mom & baby
judith: mom & me
judith: my first passover
judith: stylish ladies
judith: my first passover
judith: Great grandfather Simon Zubrow, 1971
judith: Mom & Dad
judith: Grammy & the cousins
judith: Mom, me, Jeff & Barbara
judith: sunbathing
judith: Hammock with Dad
judith: 6 month Judith
judith: dad & me, june 1971
judith: hammock time
judith: mom & me, june 1971
judith: Grammy & Grandpop Zissman
judith: Happy 27th Birthday, Dad!