judith: Thanksgiving Day!
judith: to do list
judith: Dan & Jen
judith: Elly & Oliver
judith: the giant giant salad
judith: Janet & Clancy
judith: Oliver and Kristie
judith: Laura & the bird
judith: Jen & Janet
judith: Denise, Austin, William & Dan
judith: Jen begins dissection
judith: Janet, Clancy & Laura attack the bird
judith: Jim and Michele
judith: abundance!
judith: Dan & Hazel
judith: Dan & Jill
judith: Clancy & Sarah
judith: buffet
judith: Leah lights the candles
judith: Austin, Clancy & Sarah
judith: Dan, Hazel & Rocky
judith: turducken!
judith: overflowing deliciousness
judith: Jen, Dan, Jen & William
judith: Casper
judith: Jen
judith: the crowd
judith: Greg, Michele & Ryder
judith: Hazel and Kristie
judith: Jen, Hazel, Peter & Boogie